3D Depth Effect Examples
The videos below illustrate the 3D Depth Effect for a range of different Temporal Depth Offsets and Eye to Eye Stabilization settings using the 2D Trailer for Pacific Rim as an example.
Stream to 3D Release 4.1 introduces the ability to set the Temporal Offset in the Algorithm Settings or with the aid of the Configuration Wizard. Releases prior to 4.1 used a fixed Temporal Offset of 1 Frame. The Temporal Offset ehancement significantly augments the 3D depth effect possible with Stream to 3D and provides fine grained configuration options. This approach is based directly on the Temporal disparity principle described by the Pulfrich Effect. Frame rate interpolation is used to generate intermediate frames in order to support the technique:

The range of settings illustrated are:
- Temporal Offset: 1, 1.25, 1.5 and 2 Frame offsets are illustrated. These settings directly impact, and incrementally increase, the extent of the depth effect created.
- Stabilize Eye Views: Thresholds of 0% (always on), 0.5% and fully disabled. The stabilization settings control the comfort level of viewing. Full, always on, stabilization with a threshold of 0% is most comfortable.
These examples are in a format compatible with most 3D media player clients. You can download or play the videos by clicking on the three dots. The format is 3D Half Side by Side Upscaled, running at 24 FPS, with a total resolution of 3840 x 2070 pixels (to retain the resolution of the 1920 x 1038 2D source video for each eye and support media players that can handle Half SBS format).
Stream to 3D can also generate higher frame rate output via frame rate interpolation during conversion, as shown here.
Temporal Offset=1 Frame, Stabilize Eye Views Enabled with 0% Threshold (Full Stabilization)
Temporal Offset=1 Frame, Stabilize Eye Views Enabled with 0.5% Threshold
Temporal Offset=1 Frame, Stabilize Eye Views Disabled
Temporal Offset=1.25 Frames, Stabilize Eye Views Enabled with 0% Threshold (Full Stabilization)
Temporal Offset=1.25 Frames, Stabilize Eye Views Enabled with 0.5% Threshold
Temporal Offset=1.25 Frames, Stabilize Eye Views Disabled
Temporal Offset=1.5 Frames, Stabilize Eye Views Enabled with 0% Threshold (Full Stabilization)
Temporal Offset=1.5 Frames, Stabilize Eye Views Enabled with 0.5% Threshold
Temporal Offset=1.5 Frames, Stabilize Eye Views Disabled
Temporal Offset=2 Frames, Stabilize Eye Views Enabled with 0% Threshold (Full Stabilization)
Temporal Offset=2 Frames, Stabilize Eye Views Enabled with 0.5% Threshold
Temporal Offset=2 Frames, Stabilize Eye Views Disabled
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