Background and Further Reading on 2D to 3D Algorithm

Real-time 2D to 3D video conversion techniques, implemented by solutions such as Stream to 3D, aim to convert 2D video content into stereoscopic 3D in real-time, allowing viewers to experience depth perception without any post-processing delay. These techniques leverage various algorithms and visual effects, including the exploitation of the Pulfrich Effect, to create the illusion of depth.

The Pulfrich Effect, discovered by Carl Pulfrich in 1922, is a perceptual phenomenon that occurs when a moving object is viewed with one eye covered. Due to the difference in visual processing time between the two eyes, the brain interprets the temporal disparity as depth. This effect has been effectively exploited in 2D to 3D video conversion to create the perception of depth in real-time.

One approach to real-time conversion utilising the Pulfrich Effect is the use of temporal disparity. By introducing a controlled time delay in one eye's view, the viewer perceives depth when observing moving objects. This technique requires precise synchronisation between the video frames and the display, ensuring the delayed view reaches the corresponding eye at the right moment. This approach is applied in Stream to 3D, along with significant algorithmic enhancements to eliminate discomfort via scene and motion detection and frame to frame motion stabilisation.

For a more complete history and academic treatment of the 2D to 3D video conversion subject, see here.