A Comparison of Video Streaming Protocols; http, rtp, udp and rtsp

The discussion below highlights the pros and cons of each on the video streaming protocols; http, rtp, udp and rtsp.

HTTP Streaming:


  • Wide Compatibility: HTTP streaming is supported by most modern devices and web browsers, making it widely accessible to users. It utilizes the standard HTTP protocol, which is already implemented in most networking infrastructures.
  • Firewall and Proxy Friendly: HTTP streaming typically uses standard HTTP ports (80 or 443), which are commonly open in firewalls and proxies. This makes it easier to deliver content across networks without requiring additional configurations or special allowances.
  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR): HTTP streaming supports ABR, which allows the video quality to adapt dynamically based on the user's network conditions. This ensures a smoother viewing experience, especially for users with varying internet speeds.
  • Caching: HTTP streaming can take advantage of HTTP caching mechanisms, which can help reduce bandwidth consumption and improve the scalability of the streaming infrastructure. Caching enables the content to be served from the cache instead of re-downloading it every time.
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): CDNs are well-suited for HTTP streaming, as they can distribute the content to various edge servers located geographically closer to the users. This reduces the latency and improves the overall streaming experience.


  • Latency: HTTP streaming typically introduces some latency due to the buffering and segment-based nature of the protocol. This can result in a delay between the time the content is generated and when it is delivered to the viewer, which may not be suitable for real-time applications.
  • Overhead: HTTP streaming adds additional overhead due to the HTTP headers and the segmented delivery of content. This can increase the bandwidth requirements and may impact the overall efficiency of the streaming system.

RTP Streaming:


  • Low Latency: RTP is designed specifically for real-time multimedia data transport, offering low-latency delivery. It provides mechanisms for efficient and timely transmission of audio and video streams, which is crucial for real-time applications such as video conferencing or live streaming.
  • Synchronized Playout: RTP supports synchronized playout of multimedia streams. It allows for proper synchronization of audio and video data, ensuring that they are played back in a coordinated manner to maintain the integrity of the multimedia content.
  • Timestamps and Sequence Numbers: RTP includes timestamp and sequence number fields in its header. These fields help in the proper sequencing and synchronization of packets, allowing receivers to reconstruct the media stream accurately.
  • Flexibility and Extensibility: RTP is a flexible protocol that can accommodate various types of multimedia data, including audio, video, and other real-time data. It supports the use of different codecs and allows for extensions to incorporate additional features and functionalities.


  • Dependency on Additional Protocols: RTP alone is not sufficient for complete streaming functionality. It relies on other protocols, such as RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) or HTTP, for session establishment, control, and signaling. This adds complexity to the streaming setup and requires the implementation of multiple protocols.
  • Configuration and Setup Complexity: Configuring and setting up RTP streaming can be more complex compared to HTTP or other streaming protocols. It requires careful consideration of parameters such as payload types, codecs, packetization, and synchronization mechanisms. This complexity can pose challenges, particularly for novice users or developers.
  • Limited Support and Widespread Adoption: While RTP is a standardized protocol, it may not be as widely supported as HTTP or other streaming protocols. Some media players or devices may not have built-in support for RTP, requiring the use of specialized software or libraries for decoding and playback.
  • Lack of Built-in Error Recovery: RTP does not provide built-in error recovery mechanisms. It relies on underlying transport protocols (such as UDP) to handle packet delivery. If packets are lost or corrupted during transmission, RTP alone cannot recover them, potentially leading to quality degradation in the stream.
  • Security Considerations: RTP does not inherently include encryption or security mechanisms. To ensure secure transmission of content, additional measures such as encryption protocols (e.g., SRTP) or secure transport protocols (e.g., HTTPS) need to be employed.

UDP Streaming:


  • Low Latency: User Datagram Protocol (UDP) streaming offers low-latency delivery by transmitting data packets without the need for error checking or retransmission. It is suitable for applications that prioritize real-time communication and responsiveness.
  • Efficient for Multicast: UDP supports multicast transmissions, enabling efficient distribution of data to multiple receivers simultaneously. This makes it ideal for scenarios where one-to-many or many-to-many communication is required, such as live events or video conferencing.
  • Bandwidth Efficiency: UDP streaming avoids the additional overhead introduced by TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), resulting in lower bandwidth consumption. It is beneficial for situations where bandwidth is limited or costly.


  • Unreliable Delivery: UDP does not provide reliability mechanisms like TCP, so there is no guarantee that the data packets will reach their destination or arrive in the correct order. This can lead to packet loss, jitter, and potential quality degradation in the streaming experience.
  • Network Congestion: UDP does not have congestion control mechanisms built-in, which means that it does not adapt well to network congestion. In situations where the network is congested, UDP streaming can exacerbate the problem by competing for bandwidth and potentially causing further congestion.
  • Firewall and NAT Traversal: UDP streaming can encounter challenges with firewalls and Network Address Translation (NAT) devices. Firewalls may block UDP traffic or require specific configurations, and NAT devices may need special handling to ensure proper routing and delivery of UDP packets.
  • Lack of Error Recovery: Unlike TCP, UDP does not provide error recovery mechanisms. If a UDP packet is lost or corrupted during transmission, there is no automatic retransmission, and the receiver must handle the error detection and recovery independently.
  • Limited Support for ABR: UDP streaming does not inherently support adaptive bitrate streaming. ABR techniques rely on the ability to dynamically switch between different quality levels based on network conditions, which is more challenging to implement with UDP due to its connectionless nature.

RTSP Streaming:


  • Low Latency: Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is designed specifically for real-time applications, providing low-latency streaming capabilities. It allows for immediate delivery of content without extensive buffering.
  • Interactive Control: RTSP supports bidirectional communication, enabling interactive control of the streaming session. This makes it suitable for applications that require user interaction, such as live video streaming with DVR-like functionalities.
  • Rich Metadata Support: RTSP supports the exchange of metadata between the client and the server, allowing for additional information about the stream, such as timestamps, bitrates, and available tracks. This metadata can be utilized for enhanced playback experiences.


  • Limited Compatibility: RTSP support is not as widespread as HTTP streaming. While many media players and devices support RTSP, some platforms may not have built-in support, requiring additional configuration or the installation of third-party software.
  • Firewall and Proxy Limitations: RTSP uses non-standard ports (typically 554), which may be blocked by firewalls or restricted by proxies. This can introduce challenges in streaming content across networks with stringent security measures.
  • Lack of Scalability: RTSP is not inherently designed for scalability, especially when it comes to large-scale deployments. Handling a high number of concurrent connections can be challenging without additional infrastructure or optimizations.

In summary, each streaming protocol has its advantages and disadvantages. HTTP streaming offers wide compatibility, ABR support, and ease of deployment, but it introduces latency and overhead. RTP streaming provides low latency and synchronized playout but requires additional protocols and configurations. UDP streaming offers low latency, bandwidth efficiency, and multicast support, but it lacks reliability, congestion control, and may face challenges with firewalls and NAT traversal. RTSP streaming provides low latency, interactive control, and rich metadata support, but it may have limited compatibility and scalability limitations. The choice of protocol depends on the specific requirements of the streaming application, such as real-time needs, network conditions, and the desired level of compatibility and scalability.